A fine collection of poets reading and what have you in California early December. Steve Dalachinsky! Gerald Nicosia! Ron Whitehead! Robert Zoschke! How can you refuse?
Imagine being in my shoes. I live thousands of miles away and I have no money and no passport.
December 6th-- 630 pm - Bird and Beckett Bookstore, San Francisco
December 7th- 7- 9 pm Mill Valley Book Depot, Mill Valley
December 8th-- 2 pm - 5 pm PEN Awards Banquet, Oakland (Steve Dalachinsky, Will Alexander and others being honored)
December 10th--North Beach Poetry-and-Music Series, Live Worms Gallery,San Francisco
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that could be the most inept promotion i've yet seen
let me get out my porteugese dictionary and see what yre trying to sell me ye cunt
[editor's eraser or head on a pole at the gate?]
Bonjour, whollycommunion.blogspot.com!
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